Sunday 20 November 2011

jirga.......pashtun culture

A jirga is a tribal assembly of elders which takes decisions by consensus, particularly among the Pashtun people.all d major issues r solved through jirga.
In Jirgas comprehensive collective discussion and examination of the issues enable in-depth understanding, development and formulation of a common view or consensus that leads to a cohesive approach dealing with the concerning issue. This remarkable traditional process of mutual consultation also assists developing a commitment shared by the community to implement the resolution that has been resolved. In the presence of a proper mechanism and the way Jirgas are held, the consequent broad based understanding and the consensus reached facilitate to surmount fundamental issues threatening the Pashtun Society.
Procedure for jirga........
By observing the need for a Jirga the head of the state invites tribal leaders.

CM addressing a joint Jirga of tribal leader of Khyber PUkhtunkhwa
The Jirga agrees on a Framework for communication with the parties involved
The Jirga comprehensively discusses and understand the issue under-analysis
The Jirga establishes a mechanism helping to reach the final decision
The Jirga, finally, sets up a committee to implement and oversight the decision made by the Jirga members

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