Wednesday 1 February 2012

Pakistan crickt shining star...

Mohammad Amir, the Pakistan fast bowler, has been released from Portland Young Offenders Institution in Dorset after serving half of his six-month sentence for a spot-fixing scam.

Amir is expected to spend the next few weeks in London before returning to his native Pakistan. He will meet his lawyers to draw up an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport against the five-year ban imposed on him by the International Cricket Council.

Pakistan Zindabad...:)):)

Saturday 24 December 2011


  Yesterday i enjoyed a pakistan blog awards,but unfortunately i could nt win.but no worry,i learned a lot there,met professional bloggers.thnx 4 all the supporters who voted me. InshaALLAH nxt time,
here some pics taken by PBA

Friday 16 December 2011


frndz i was unaware of blogging...but pakistan blog awards made me a blogger,i am still learning.i am now regulrly using ths.thnx 2 pak blog awards,i am sure they will appreciate my blog.yes its nt perfct blog,but nthng is perfct excpt ALLAH the Almighty.
i m d new blogger.........................we will make pak a peaceful country,showing its +ve image 2 the world.
pakistan zindabad

murgha fight

its anothr hobby of most of our people,they spent a lot of money on cock (rooster),they they prepare them 4 fight.alot of people come 2 c d fight,its famous in villges of pakistan.these type of people like aseel cock,which is special type of cock,expensive as the owner of winning cock is given award,or its a honour fr him tht hi s cock cnt be beatn.young people take intrst in such hobby.some pics taken in kulachi are,

Thursday 15 December 2011

Exam finish

welcom to me after exam......nw we will enjoy the rung of pakistan once again

Sunday 20 November 2011

Nanawatai........pashtun culture

It is a tenet of the Pashtunwali code of the Pashtun people. It allows a beleaguered person to enter the house of any other person and make a request of him which cannot be refused, even at the cost of the host's own life or fortune.A similar code of conduct is used by the neighbouring..
Traditionally it is used to refer to a request for sanctuary, whereby the host must be willing to fight or die for the sake of anyone who comes knocking at his door seeking refuge,even if it is a sworn enemy.

Nanawatai can typically be used to force a victim, or victim's family, to forgive a transgressor and offer their protection to the repentant aggressor. However, in cases of rape and adultery, the guilty party cannot request sanctuary, and must flee or submit willingly to the prescribed punishment. Sources are divided on whether those who elope can request such protection.

jirga.......pashtun culture

A jirga is a tribal assembly of elders which takes decisions by consensus, particularly among the Pashtun people.all d major issues r solved through jirga.
In Jirgas comprehensive collective discussion and examination of the issues enable in-depth understanding, development and formulation of a common view or consensus that leads to a cohesive approach dealing with the concerning issue. This remarkable traditional process of mutual consultation also assists developing a commitment shared by the community to implement the resolution that has been resolved. In the presence of a proper mechanism and the way Jirgas are held, the consequent broad based understanding and the consensus reached facilitate to surmount fundamental issues threatening the Pashtun Society.
Procedure for jirga........
By observing the need for a Jirga the head of the state invites tribal leaders.

CM addressing a joint Jirga of tribal leader of Khyber PUkhtunkhwa
The Jirga agrees on a Framework for communication with the parties involved
The Jirga comprehensively discusses and understand the issue under-analysis
The Jirga establishes a mechanism helping to reach the final decision
The Jirga, finally, sets up a committee to implement and oversight the decision made by the Jirga members